833-202-0808  8295 N. Military Trail Suite G Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

Glutathione, the miracle molecule.

What is a secret of longevity?

Of course it is a combination of factors, but we learn more and more studying centenarians, people who live past 100.

One of the factors studied was levels of Glutathione (GSH) a small molecule consisting of 3 amino-acids – glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine, which is a body’s master anti-oxidant.

Scientists studied 41 centenarians and found out that their Glutathione levels were significantly higher than in the group of younger elderly subjects.

In the other study of 87 women in excellent health aged from 60 to 103 glutathione levels were found to be very high. These women were studied for 5 years and conclusion was that “high blood Glutathione concentration are characteristic of long-lived women.”

Even though Glutathione does not have a notoriety of vitamins C and E their action is dependent on presence of Glutathione which is present in abundance in all body cells and has been called the body’s “ Master Anti-oxidant”

It was discovered in 1888, but research on Glutathione deficiency did not start until 1920-1930s. At that time, it was discovered that common eye condition that affects elderly and causes blindness is related to low glutathione levels. By the end of 20th century it was well established that Glutathione is major protector against oxidative stress, without it cells will disintegrate from massive free radical damage. Its role is to recirculate oxidized Vitamins C and E into anti-oxidant reduced form and make them able to resume anti-oxidant activity.

Many chronic diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and others are caused by oxidative stress and glutathione protects cells by detoxifying external substances such as environmental pollutants and carcinogens, protecting DNA synthesis, maintaining cell membrane stability and protecting mitochondria – the cell’s energy factories.

Glutathione is essential for Immune cells to function properly and was shown to improve immune function even in patients with HIV.

It is well known that free radicals play important part in conversion normal cells into cancerous and it is glutathione that is most potent anti cancerogen in our body.

There are more than 80000 studies about Glutathione on Medline where it has shown to be effective in most degenerative diseases such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, MS, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson disease, Diabetes, Crohn’s disease, Cataracts and other degenerative eye conditions and many others.

Unfortunately, if taken by mouth glutathione is very poorly absorbed and has strong sulfuric smell that makes it very unpalatable.  We are using special formulations such as liposomal Glutathione or S-Acetyl Glutathione which is better absorbed from gut.

I personally prefer to recommend S-Acetyl Glutathione which is better absorbed and stays inside cells for longer time comparing to IV administration.

Foods high in Glutathione are fresh cruciferous vegetables from Cabbage family, raw milk and meat. Recently it was found that physical exercise increases Glutathione levels.

So if you want to improve the function of every cell in the body please do not forget to supplement and support Glutathione levels in your body.